Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Fifty years of blessings for me, so it's time to share 50 things for which I am extremely grateful to God:

1. Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the Cross for me
2. God the Father, Creator of this universe, All-Powerful God and His Word
3. The Holy Spirit, the Comforter and Guide
4. my incredible husband, Melvin
5. my oldest daughter, Kristin
6. my middle daughter, Kelsey
7. my son, Kendall
8. good health
9. financial provision
10. a roof over my head
11. food in my stomach
12. clothes on my back
13. a vehicle to drive
14. good friends
15. family
16. an incredible church
17. a Pastor who is truly a shepherd
18. a Pastor's wife who models this position in such an honorable manner
19. a Sunday School class with whom we have such great fellowship
20. the invention of insulin
21. precious ESL students who are so hungry to learn and so grateful
22. a mother-in-law that has loved me as her own
23. a surrogate mother (Mary) who has truly been like a real mom to me
24. my real mother
25. my brother
26. my sister
27. my sister who is now in heaven with Jesus
28. my dad who is now in heaven with Jesus
29. my Uncle Fred and Aunt Denise who have been so kind to us
30. my Uncle Virgil, my dad's lost brother, whom the Lord allowed me to
find a few years ago
31. my cousin, Patty and her family
32. Elberton, Georgia; for being a place that provided for us and accepted us
33. good neighbors that God blessed us with there
34. Edward Jones - a company that has been an incredible blessing to and for us
35. worship music
36. Christmas
37. a new home - more than I could've ever imagined
38. the ability to speak another language
39. whole wheat bread
40. hot tea
41. I Love Lucy
42. a free country in which to live
43. living in a place where I can enjoy the changing seasons
44. word games
45. good books
46. The Atlanta Braves
47. getting to grow up near Washington, DC and see and enjoy all those
incredible sites and buildings
48. a good education and God-sent teachers who impacted my life
49. The Assemblies of God
50. Easter - if it wasn't for Easter, I wouldn't have this list. Thank you, Jesus!


DebbieP said...

AMEN! It is so encouraging to list what we are thankful for. Having a thankful heart has got to be one of the most powerful weapons against the enemy. Thank you for sharing what you are thankful for. You are such a blessing!