Monday, November 12, 2007

Super Sunday

Yesterday was a great day!! Sundays are always great but yesterday was especially good. Sunday School was awesome, we had a visitor there that had found our church through the website. That, in itself, is very cool. Also our discussion on "giving thanks" from Ephesians 5 was so timely. We had no idea that Pastor was going to preach that same sermon in church.
Worship for the main service was phenomenal. Totally in awe of God's presence in that place, God was truly moving on hearts and it was so neat to see people respond to His call to come closer to Him. God really loves His people and delights in us and desires for us to realize just how much He does love us.
After church we ate a quick lunch with friends and then back to the church for choir practice. We are preparing for the Christmas program. We got a lot accomplished and now just have to focus in on learning the words and getting real specific with timing, phrasing and dynamics. Pastor Ian does a great job teaching us and I feel blessed to be a part.
Then it was on to drama practice. My husband and I are playing the part of one set of the Three Kings group. The scene we are in is comical, and I don't want to give it away, but we had a lot of fun with this and the other people we are working with are great!!
All in all, a great day!! And I am reminded of what we were exhorted with yesterday. Mainly, to give thanks in all things. I forget this important principle so much in my personal life. God wants to bless us, but our ungratefulness robs us of that blessing. Ephesians 5:20 "always giving thanks to God the Father, for everything".


Unknown said...

Worship was really awesome! God's presence was so strong. I'm excited about the Christmas program despite all my stress right now. Hopefully I'll remember all the words and hit those high notes! It's a blessing to sing with you. I can't wait to see your part in the play!

DebbieP said...

I can't WAIT to see the play! I know it will bless us all! I love being a part of the children's production as well. We all have so much to be thankful for it is truly amazing!