Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday Fact ~ Merry X-MAS

First, let's talk about the word 'X-mas.' I have to admit that in the past I just didn't like the saying "Merry X-mas" because I thought people were trying to avoid saying Christmas, and thus avoid the connection that Christ has to Christmas. Well, I was mistaken and have learned what the significance of the "X" is in "X-mas".

We have a Christmas tree in the back of our sanctuary at church that is full of Chrismons. The word "Chrismon" is a derivative of two words (ChHRISt+MONOgram). By the way, the Chrismons at our church, like many others, are handmade because according to all I've read, they cannot be made for profit, hence you won't find them in your neighborhood store that sells Christmas decorations.

Technically, if the ornaments on a Christmas tree are comprised mostly of Christian symbols, the tree is known as a "Chrismon Tree." Most Chrismons are white with gold decorations of beads, ribbon, glitter, etc.

Chrismons are symbols that stand for Christ. The symbol reminds us of some aspect of Christ's life. The symbol points us, our minds toward Christ. There are many,many Chrismons and I have posted one here for you that is explained. But you can do some research on your own and find all the different symbols. It is very fascinating.

If you look carefully on the tree you will see some Chrismons that are "X's" or a combination of an "X" and what looks like a "p." Those are not English letters, but Greek letters. The letter that looks like the letter "p" in our alphabet is really the Greek letter "Rho" which is equal to our letter "R." The "X" is the Greek letter "Chi" and is equal to a "CH" in English letters. The "Chi," the Greek letter that looks like our "X" is a symbol of Christ. It is the first two letters of the word "Christ." When combined with the "Rho," the Greek letter that looks like our letter "p," the symbol then stands for the first THREE letters, "Chr" of the word Christ.

So, when people, like me, go on and on about 'X-mas' leaving out Christ, they don't know what they're talking about. So, now that YOU know, you can enlighten them.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

More Christmas Thoughts

We expect too much of Christmas Day. We try to crowd into it the long list of lost opportunities for kindliness, forgiveness, and compassion of the whole year. (David Grayson)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Christmas Thoughts

Ben Franklin said,

"How many observe Christ's birthday, how few His teachings. O, 'tis easier to keep holidays than commandments."

Monday, November 26, 2007

Sad Today - But Hopeful

Got an email today from a friend's husband, that she passed away last evening. She has been battling cancer for a while now. I was so sad and surprised. I had just received an email update from her about a week and a half ago and she was so upbeat. We were really good friends with them when we lived in Arkansas and she was a phenomenal person. She always made me laugh and she and I had children that were close in age. She had such a great attitude and always closed her emails with words like, "still smiling", "enjoying God's incredible grace". I know she is in heaven sitting at the feet of Jesus and I know she is adding much laughter and joy to the throngs of heaven.

Thank God for sending Jesus to us and for taking away the sting of death. There are so many scriptures that refer to this and the scripture that is so neat to me is from Psalm 116:15, "precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints."

God created us for His glory and for fellowship. This earth is only a temporary stopping place for us. What an incredible thought; life does not end here, but this is just the beginning. We have eternity to look forward to. I don't know about you, but I don't know of any other being that has ever offered anything like that to humankind. Thank you, Jesus, that your death gives us life!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Getting Ready

I love this season, the time from Thanksgiving to Christmas. I love all that it entails; the colder weather, the hope of a bit of snow?? (sorry, but I'm originally from the north), baking, Christmas decorations, apple cider, presents under the tree, fun times with family and friends, and of course, all the preparations that happen at church. We have several things going on at our church at this time of year. We have several parties to attend and one to give and also two programs to share. The first will be on December 9th and is called "The Planet with the People". It is a drama and musical and has a wonderful message of Jesus coming in human form to that planet with the people. My husband, son and I have minor parts, but just being a part is so much fun. Also, I am singing in the choir for that same program. Singing is one of my favorite things to do, and I feel so blessed to be able to join in with the others. The practices and camaraderie that go with that are such a special part of the season for me. On December 16th, our children will be sharing their program. It is called "Christmas Where, When and Why". I am blessed to be helping with the music for this production. So, there's alot of preparation going on and I love being a part. It makes Christmas all the more special for me.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Turkey Day

We had a great Thanksgiving Day. We invited some friends over and had 11 total. Then had some other friends come later and we played games. All in all, it was such a fun time. We played several very fun group games including Pit, Balderdash and Catch Phrase. I laughed so hard, I was crying. I am thankful for good food and good fellowship; of which we enjoyed both bountifully yesterday.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Fifty years of blessings for me, so it's time to share 50 things for which I am extremely grateful to God:

1. Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the Cross for me
2. God the Father, Creator of this universe, All-Powerful God and His Word
3. The Holy Spirit, the Comforter and Guide
4. my incredible husband, Melvin
5. my oldest daughter, Kristin
6. my middle daughter, Kelsey
7. my son, Kendall
8. good health
9. financial provision
10. a roof over my head
11. food in my stomach
12. clothes on my back
13. a vehicle to drive
14. good friends
15. family
16. an incredible church
17. a Pastor who is truly a shepherd
18. a Pastor's wife who models this position in such an honorable manner
19. a Sunday School class with whom we have such great fellowship
20. the invention of insulin
21. precious ESL students who are so hungry to learn and so grateful
22. a mother-in-law that has loved me as her own
23. a surrogate mother (Mary) who has truly been like a real mom to me
24. my real mother
25. my brother
26. my sister
27. my sister who is now in heaven with Jesus
28. my dad who is now in heaven with Jesus
29. my Uncle Fred and Aunt Denise who have been so kind to us
30. my Uncle Virgil, my dad's lost brother, whom the Lord allowed me to
find a few years ago
31. my cousin, Patty and her family
32. Elberton, Georgia; for being a place that provided for us and accepted us
33. good neighbors that God blessed us with there
34. Edward Jones - a company that has been an incredible blessing to and for us
35. worship music
36. Christmas
37. a new home - more than I could've ever imagined
38. the ability to speak another language
39. whole wheat bread
40. hot tea
41. I Love Lucy
42. a free country in which to live
43. living in a place where I can enjoy the changing seasons
44. word games
45. good books
46. The Atlanta Braves
47. getting to grow up near Washington, DC and see and enjoy all those
incredible sites and buildings
48. a good education and God-sent teachers who impacted my life
49. The Assemblies of God
50. Easter - if it wasn't for Easter, I wouldn't have this list. Thank you, Jesus!

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Cultural Confrontation

I have been confronted of late by the humility and simplicity that is evident in other cultures. This past week I had two opportunities to hear and take part in the testimonies of two different humble pastors and their messages. One from an Asian country, the other from Central America. I was struck by their humility, simplicity and yet the fervor of their message regarding God's Kingdom and their love for people. It's like one of our church members said after hearing one brother share, "I want that heart for myself." I, too, cry out for a different way of seeing things. Our American eyes have become enmeshed in materialism and self-sufficiency. I am not saying I do not love America. For I do with all my heart and thank God that I live in a free land where I can serve Him. But I believe that what these two men model is because they have been through trials; character producing trials, like having their life almost taken or not knowing where their next meal is coming from, or seeing a loved one die because there was no way to get them to medical help; these kinds of trials have made them into who they are. I don't know... I am just sharing my heart with you. I am sharing my heart with God and crying out for understanding and for a tender, more compassionate heart toward those around me and a zeal, a burning in my soul to share His love with others. In other countries, our brothers and sisters in Christ are dying because they are sharing His love and yet we are afraid of the rejection we might face from our neighbor if we mention His name. Something is very wrong.

I remember when I lived overseas and saw people come night after night to a big open tent with sawdust on the floors and wooden benches with no arms on them. People came in the rain and 40 degree weather, night after night. People walked for miles to hear a preacher preach God's Word and they came with a faith that healed their children of diseases and delivered them from demonic spirits. I saw it with my own eyes. And yet, I am not seeing it now. I am reminded again of this faith, this faith that knows it has nothing but Jesus to run to, nothing but Him to rely on. I want that heart, that kind of faith. Can it happen for me, can it happen for America?

Our country is becoming alot like some other places where religion is just something to do. Our nation is going from being a Christian nation to becoming a secular nation. I believe it grieves God's heart. He gave us the freedom we enjoy, not to squander on ourselves and live like the devil, but to share freely His love and to share freely with our brothers. We have been unfaithful to Him. God help us. Break our hearts with the things that break Your heart. Teach us Your ways, Oh Lord. Start with me.

Pumpkin Pancakes

My children and I went to IHOP on Friday morning for breakfast. It was a treat and not something we do very often. But, my daughter had told me that their pumpkin pancakes were really good so I tried them. They were absolutely YUM!! If you like pumpkin, you gotta try them. I love anything pumpkin and I love this time of year when pumpkin is in everything. If you want to try them you better go soon, because it's a seasonal item and won't be offered for long. Hats off to IHOP for such a yummy and different version of the pancake.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday Fact

I think I'm going to start posting a Friday Fact each Friday; it would be an interesting but little known fact. Kind of fun (can you tell I'm bored?) No, actually I have housework to do and I'm kind of avoiding it - ha!!

Anyway, I like trivia - so, maybe we can impart some knowledge here; however impractical it might be. If nothing else, you can impress your friends!!

We'll start this week with some sports trivia, since everyone in our town or neighboring towns is a University of Georgia fan and sports is a pretty big deal in this area.

Okay, so here goes our first Friday Fact:

Did you know that the football "huddle" was invented by students at Gallaudet University in Washington D.C., a leading school for the deaf? Players, worried about opposing teams seeing their hand signals through sign language, huddled up so that no one could see their plays.

So, now, don't you feel just a little bit smarter??

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What does a duck-hunter look like?

In honor of this Saturday's official opening day, I am posting some pictures of my hubby and his brother on a typical duck-hunt. These were taken last year at a wildlife refuge in Arkansas. This is where they hunt every year. The dog is not ours, but a friends. Our dog Molly is a yellow lab and, in my humble opinion, the best retriever you will ever see. Enjoy!!

This is a picture of our Molly. Don't you think this would make a great commercial for Edy's Ice Cream??

Monday, November 12, 2007

Super Sunday

Yesterday was a great day!! Sundays are always great but yesterday was especially good. Sunday School was awesome, we had a visitor there that had found our church through the website. That, in itself, is very cool. Also our discussion on "giving thanks" from Ephesians 5 was so timely. We had no idea that Pastor was going to preach that same sermon in church.
Worship for the main service was phenomenal. Totally in awe of God's presence in that place, God was truly moving on hearts and it was so neat to see people respond to His call to come closer to Him. God really loves His people and delights in us and desires for us to realize just how much He does love us.
After church we ate a quick lunch with friends and then back to the church for choir practice. We are preparing for the Christmas program. We got a lot accomplished and now just have to focus in on learning the words and getting real specific with timing, phrasing and dynamics. Pastor Ian does a great job teaching us and I feel blessed to be a part.
Then it was on to drama practice. My husband and I are playing the part of one set of the Three Kings group. The scene we are in is comical, and I don't want to give it away, but we had a lot of fun with this and the other people we are working with are great!!
All in all, a great day!! And I am reminded of what we were exhorted with yesterday. Mainly, to give thanks in all things. I forget this important principle so much in my personal life. God wants to bless us, but our ungratefulness robs us of that blessing. Ephesians 5:20 "always giving thanks to God the Father, for everything".

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


It's that time of year at the Crawford house. Time to pull out the thermal underwear and make sure all the hunting garb is ready to go. Hubby is an avid, (no I should spell it in all caps), AVID duck hunter and has hunted faithfully since he was 10 years old.

It's like this series of symptoms begins to hit him in about mid-October. Those would include: watching duck-hunting videos, looking at the latest issue of Cabelas magazine, calling his brother for reports and outlooks (whom he doesn't talk to much the rest of the year, but now the telephone lines are blazing hot), and talking to and lining up who's going to go Opening Day (Opening Day, by the way is the Saturday before Thanksgiving).

It's kind of like a holiday for us. We're just so accustomed to it, it's second nature. I'm glad he has an outlet and a form of re-creation, a way to get his mind off of the stresses of work and life and connect with God and nature. And, believe me, he definitely connects!! He has a group of guys that he goes to Arkansas with. They have even bought them a mobile home right near the reservoir where they hunt, they call it the "tin-do-minium". It's really kind of cute and serves it's purpose well.

I do believe duck-hunters are a definite sub-culture of their own. They have their own language and lifestyle. I use to go hunting with him; in fact all of the ladies in our family used to go on Opening Day. When the children started coming along, that sort of stopped. Although, our daughter absolutely loves to hunt, as well, and will probably also be an AVID hunter.

So, to all of you duck hunters or duck hunter widows out there, welcome to a new season. Best wishes for getting your limit!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

English is Rough

This is a hilarious clip from "you know who" about how tough learning English is.


Thursday, November 1, 2007

These Small Hours

"Making the most of our time, because the days are evil." (Eph. 5:16) Seems to be where the Lord has me these days.

Have you seen the movie "Meet the Robinsons" yet? Great family movie with a great message. One of the songs in the movie is sung by Rob Thomas, he has a great voice and it's a great message. Letting the little stuff go and making the most of "these small hours, these little wonders - time falls away, but these small hours still remain".