Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Who Wants To Be A Billionaire?

Lately I have been going through a tough time. It's been an emotional roller-coaster for me. I hate being in that place because it makes me realize just how weak I really am.

Some of the stresses that I was facing were real, but the way I processed them and the way I viewed how the stresses could affect me or my family were not real and were not handled in a Biblical or a healthy way. I really allowed the enemy to speak negative thoughts to me and I believed those thoughts. In a nutshell, it's called fear.

Thankfully, I am now on the other side of that battle and I can see clearly how the devil was trying to get me to camp on negative emotions and deny the truth that was always there.

I've been reading a devotional I bought myself for the new year called "Sparkling Gems from the Greek". I have enjoyed it immensely and one particular devotion really struck a chord with me.

Colossians 3:16 - "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly..."
"Richly" there is incredible abundance, enormous affluence, extravagance, lavishness, really any adjective you would use to describe being extremely rich and wealthy. The interesting part of the verse to me, though, is the "let" part. We have to allow the Word to dwell in us. The word "let" there means to throw open the doors, embrace it, give it a warm reception, make it feel at home in our lives.
That involves my will. That's the stubborn part of me that doesn't want to admit I need help or thinks I can handle it on my own.
The idea here is that the Word of God will produce abundant fruit in me and through me if I will just allow it to take up residency and become a vital part of my life.

I really am a billionaire! I have all of the riches that I need to become who God wants me to become. I just have to allow the Word to do it's powerful and effective work.

I want more wisdom, I want to see God operate in my life so I can minister to hurting people. I want to see the gifts in operation in me, my family, and also in my church. It starts with me and my willingness to let the Word dwell in me, live in me and have full reign in all the corners of my heart.


DebbieP said...

God bless you for being so transparent. God is so good and so patient. You have so much more faith than you see, and you are a blessing to me. I am so sorry you have been going through such a touch time, but what peace you have through Christ! You are so right, though, we have to allow the Word to work in us. This is something that I have also struggled with and am trying to learn with you!