Thursday, January 3, 2008

Lucy Poll

Okay, so here's a poll for you (I hope you'll vote by using the comment section):

Of all of the products represented in various I Love Lucy episodes, which one would you likely use today?

1. Vitameatavegamin (23% alcohol)

2. Handy Dandy Vacuum Cleaner

3. Two sides of beef from Johnson's Meat Co. (one side is about 300 lb.)

4. Aunt Martha's Old Fashioned Salad Dressing

I'm going to have to vote for the salad dressing. What about you?


DebbieP said...

Hmmm...I'd DEFINITELY have to pass on the vitametavegamin. It tasted awful. The vac didn't work, and I couldn't afford 300 lbs. of beef so I will have to go with the salad dressing as well.

Anonymous said...

Just because it was my favorite episode ever, I'm going to vote Vitametavegamin. I've probably taken far worse in the name of good health!

Unknown said...

I'm going with you and voting for the salad dressing.