Tuesday, October 30, 2007

So Much to Do, So Little Time

Wow, where has the week gone? We have had so many things going on and time has flown by. Plus the fact that we had issues with our phone, internet and tv connections and finally had to switch providers. So, it's probably a good thing, since I haven't had time to sit and catch up with emails and blogging, etc...
Keep praying for Stef. His surgery went well and they think they removed about 90% of the tumor. But they also found a small tumor in his small intestine which they removed. Please pray that this cancer would be arrested and that he would recover quickly and be healed. He and his wife are doing well although he is still in a lot of pain.
I thought of the title of this entry, "so much to do, so little time" not just in relation to the happenings in my life but the bigger picture of life and eternity. We are not given much time here on earth, some more for others, some less. But regardless, all of us who call ourselves followers of Christ have a mandate to share the Good News. The Bible doesn't specifically tell us when Christ will return but we are to take every opportunity because the days are evil. Honestly, I haven't been doing real good lately in this department. I've gotten so caught up with the goings on in my own life, that I have neglected the people around me. It's called the "Tyranny of the Urgent". It means the urgent things (or the things we perceive as most important) get the most attention and so we allow them to take center stage. When in reality, the real important things, such as the spiritual condition of the souls around us, should be our prime focus. Peter said that the Lord is not willing for any to perish but all to come to repentance. Lord, help me see people through Your eyes. Help me see my brother, Lord, through Your eyes. Place in me a tender heart that breaks in little pieces when I look and see my precious brother through Your eyes.


Deb Henderson said...

Hey Debbie! I found your blog, how fun. Re: so much, so little...let me add that just when you think your list is shortening, better ask the Father. He had more for us than we ever thought actually possible. In being busy it has encouraged me to know that if I take each span of time and obey His lead, then I have accomplished. I wish I could say I always follow that mantra. I keep trying though! Love the Lord Jesus, He is Awesome!

DebbieP said...

Oh, I couldn't agree with you more. I suffer from "Martha Syndrome" meaning I am a do-er. That can be a strength, but the weak side is that I get bogged down in my every day doings. It is so easy in our busy times to stay so focused on all our own problems that we don't have room or time for our brothers around us. I agree with you in your prayer and ask to see others the way God sees them.

Debbie C. said...

So, Deb Henderson, where is your blog?? I am waiting, (tee hee) thanks for commenting and I am glad you found me. You can find some other COTN folks in my links. Hope you can join in. Love you much and will call you soon!!