Friday, May 18, 2007

I'm Pooped Out!!

Hello friends, I'm your Vitameatavegamin girl. Are you tired, rundown, listless? Do you poop out at parties? Are you unpopular? The answer to all your problems is in this little bottle. Vitameatavegamin."
Well, just maybe I need a bottle of Vitameatavegamin. My husband and I started the South Beach diet at the beginning of this week and I would have to say that I am definitely feeling pretty "pooped" right about now. We've done this once before and I really like the diet alot. It's just that the first two weeks are really tough. Basically, you are not consuming any sugar at all and eventhough we don't eat alot of sugary and processed foods, I am truly amazed at how much my body is suffering the withdrawal effects of no sugar. The South Beach diet people actually call what we are experiencing the "South Beach Flu" cuz you feel so crummy. But, I know that sacrifice is always worth it in the end. My goal is to lose a few pounds and start sleeping again. My hubby's goal is to lose a few pounds, he sleeps fine - believe me!!
So, maybe I do need to join "the thousands of happy, peppy people and get a great big bottle of VITAMEATAVEGAMIN".


Rebecca said...

Oh, do I remember Vitameatavegamin!
That was a hilarious episode. I always liked the word, too, so nice and long! Like supercalifragilisticexpealidocious
or antidisestablishmentarianism.
I started South beach last weekend, too. I have had more energy, almost hyper, except right when it is almost time to eat or snack :-) again. I am waking up a lot at night. But IT'S WORKING! I read a very helpful interview (can try to scan it if wanted) in OPRAH mag about The Beck Diet Solution: Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person by Judith S. Beck. Beck has a website with some good free info, but I plan to buy her book when I get to Phase 3 of South Beach. It will help my long term commitment to eating in a healthy way. I'm munching on celery sticks with hummus right now!
Rebecca of Birdland

Shawna said...

Hey Debbie!
I am very much enjoying your posts! I will have to borrow your Lucy tapes; I love to laugh and boy does she make me.
Oh, on You tube I found a clip from 1977 where Lucy is talking about her show and Desi, and the interviewer says that in Desi's book he (Desi) says he'll always love Lucy, and you can tell that Lucy chokes up. It is precious and bittersweet. Keep up the writing.
Love you!
- Shawna

Todd said...

Debbie I wanted to share a praise report with you, Rhonda (my wife) has lost 35 pounds on her own diet, she watches calories and fat and walks daily, I have lost 15 pounds myself. ask her about it she will tell her secrets!!!