Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Do You Love Lucy?

Don't Be a Lone Guinea Hen

In the past two weeks, along with the South Beach diet, I have incorporated walking 2 miles a day to enhance my metabolism. So, anyway, we have three dogs and I decided I would take one dog a day with me to keep me company and to give them some exercise. I cannot control all three together because they would go crazy and run who knows where. We live out in the country and there are several farms that I pass in my daily walk. Today was Molly's day to walk with me. She is our 6 yr. old yellow lab and she is my husband's duck hunting companion. She loves to retrieve and chase anything that moves. So, we're walking along and come up to one of the farms and there are about 10 guinea hens in the front yard. Guess what Molly does? She immediately chases after them. Well, I guess they can't fly because all they do is run in a big group as fast as they can away from her. I called her off and thankfully she is very obedient and she came back to my side. But I noticed as she was coming back there was one lone guinea hen that did not run away with the group and Molly could've picked it up in an instant. In fact, as she was running back to me, she began to chase the lone one, since he would've been easy prey, but I got her attention and she stopped her pursuit. I was reminded of a very real truth during that moment. We, as Christians, can so easily fall prey to being loners. For whatever the reason; sometimes we just want to be by ourselves, we're stressed out, we're tired of the way other Christians are treating us, someone has hurt us, etc...; the list is endless. But we have to be so careful not to ever become a loner. There are so many exhortations in scripture that warn us not to ever try to stand by ourselves. Heb. 10:25 talks about staying in fellowship with other Christians because it builds us up as individuals. There are other passages: one in the book of Ecclesiastes that says a three stranded chord is not easily broken. Proverbs says that in a multitude of counselors there is safety. The point being, we need each other. You've seen those animal shows where they film a herd of deer or zebras or whatever. And there may be one weaker one or one straggler off by himself. He's the one that is going to be the lion's lunch. First Peter 5 speaks of our "adversary - the devil" prowling about, looking for someone to devour.

So, my response? Well, it's to stay in fellowship with other Christians, get encouragement and counsel from wise people and be there for the ones who may be going through something and need me to help hold them up. Don't be the lone guinea hen.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

To Whom Are We Sent?

Taking off of yesterday's post about being sent, I'd like to talk about to whom we are sent? We're all sent to "all nations" as the Great Commission states, but, remember, that's not necessarily talking about foreign nations or other lands. It's talking about all kinds of people and people groups. So you have to ask yourself the question "who do I communicate with regularly, what people group do you have me in, Lord?" It could be that you, like me, are a homeschooling mom. We have opportunities as a family to reach people that others may not. I also teach Spanish on a part time basis to adults and that provides lots of opportunities for me to show Christ's love to others. My other "job" is teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) to foreigners; Hispanics, Koreans and Chinese right now. I never thought I could even do this, but I absolutely love it. I ask God every week to let my actions and countenance speak His love and grace to these precious people. Some of the people in this class do not believe in our God or Jesus Christ, so it is a challenge and yet I feel His love when I see them. I am reminded of the scripture in Matt. 9:36 where Jesus is talking to the people in the towns and villages, and it says He was moved with compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. Now seeing sheep on a hill without a shepherd doesn't move me too much. Because I'm not a shepherd and I don't have the skills of tending sheep. But seeing children without a mother and/or father and seeing old people without anyone to visit them or seeing a Spanish speaking person lost in a crowd because no one there can communicate with them; now, these are the things that move me. So, back to my original question: To whom are you sent? Well, what moves you, where is your passion, what touches your heart? When you can find the answer to that, then you can find what group of people you are sent to. I challenge you to ask yourself these questions, but beware, because it will change your life. And it may just change the lives of those around you at the same time.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Our family has been attending Church of the Nations (COTN) for about 8 years now. Pastor Mel Holmes has been the Senior Pastor since we have been at COTN. He is an incredibly gifted teacher and a very humble man. We respect his leadership over us and are so thankful for a man that prays and hears from God. There is alot going on at our church; one of the most exciting things being the fact that we are building a new sanctuary which is going to sit adjacent to our current sanctuary/family center. Pastor Mel has been sharing with us the importance of knowing who we are corporately, as a body, and also who we are individually, so we can impact the people around us.

Yesterday, Sunday, May 20, 2007, was, I believe, a particularly important day for our church. Pastor Mel preached yesterday morning on being sent. Well, most believers automatically think of the well known verses in Matt. 28 that we refer to as the Great Commission. "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all things, and remember, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." I think the interesting point that Pastor Mel made was that we usually see this as a missions project. I will have to say that is the context for which I have pretty much taken this passage. But it's not just for missionaries and those going to foreign lands. The word "nations" there is actually referring to all kinds of people. The point being, Jesus was telling them to get out of their comfort zone and sphere and share the love and forgiveness of Christ to all people that you are exposed to. We all have people that we're connected to, people with which we have a common experience and a common "language". THESE are the people that I, Debbie, am sent to. WOW! I don't know why, but that seems so huge to me.

Now, what does all that have to do with building a new church? Well, for me, it means that if I am accepting the fact that I am sent, not waiting for Him to send me somewhere, but just realizing I am already sent and walking in that and sharing His love and life changing message with those around me, then our church won't need programs, contests, parades, etc... to grow. Our church will grow because people will be drawn to Him. Don't get me wrong here, I am not saying that programs, contests, etc... are wrong. I just think people really don't want those things deep down. We think we want those things, because that is what our culture pushes at us. Keep their senses occupied, appeal to their pleasures, entertain them, give them diversions. When what people are really seeking is a deep connection to something bigger than themselves. What they're really seeking is Jesus Christ!! How did the early church grow? They had seen Jesus, they knew His life changing message first hand. Acts 2:44-47 says this: "And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing all proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all people. And the Lord added to their number, day by day, those who were being saved." A couple of things stand out in that verse to me. Churches are composed of people who have something in common. Not just the fact that we all worship God, but why do certain people go to one church and others to another church? Because we have things in common. That's the key - if I reach out to those around me that I have something in common with, and share Christ with them, they will be drawn to Him as well. Also, they sold their things and distributed to those in need. The key here being people's needs. We are all needy, not just materially, but in many ways (emotionally, physically, spiritually). If I'm really showing love to others, I will be filling the voids that are out there in people's lives. And if I'm REALLY loving them, I'm not going to be afraid to help them if they need help. What is the result of this? They shared all they had, received it all with a grateful heart and the Lord added to their number because people were getting saved. HALLELUJAH!!

So, who am I sent to? Well, we'll have to save that for another post.

Friday, May 18, 2007

I'm Pooped Out!!

Hello friends, I'm your Vitameatavegamin girl. Are you tired, rundown, listless? Do you poop out at parties? Are you unpopular? The answer to all your problems is in this little bottle. Vitameatavegamin."
Well, just maybe I need a bottle of Vitameatavegamin. My husband and I started the South Beach diet at the beginning of this week and I would have to say that I am definitely feeling pretty "pooped" right about now. We've done this once before and I really like the diet alot. It's just that the first two weeks are really tough. Basically, you are not consuming any sugar at all and eventhough we don't eat alot of sugary and processed foods, I am truly amazed at how much my body is suffering the withdrawal effects of no sugar. The South Beach diet people actually call what we are experiencing the "South Beach Flu" cuz you feel so crummy. But, I know that sacrifice is always worth it in the end. My goal is to lose a few pounds and start sleeping again. My hubby's goal is to lose a few pounds, he sleeps fine - believe me!!
So, maybe I do need to join "the thousands of happy, peppy people and get a great big bottle of VITAMEATAVEGAMIN".

Thursday, May 17, 2007

And the winner is.......MELINDA!!

Well, another week of American Idol, but I must say we were totally shocked and unprepared for last night's revelation. Melinda Doolittle voted off? There must be some mistake, uh, what happened? Well, as I thought about it later and some more this morning, several scriptures have reminded me that God always has HIS way. I believe with all my heart that Melinda is a strong Christian and was evidenced in the fact that she has never been afraid to represent Christ on or off stage. She showed it in so many ways; even Simon could not miss her humility. "You will know them by their fruits." (Matt. 7:16) Jesus said this to His disciples. I believe Melinda was known as a Christian by her fruits. She always dressed tastefully and modestly, always had a shining countenance and spoke about the Lord freely in many interviews. Melinda will be okay. Romans 8:28 reminds us that "all things work together for the good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose". Psalm 37:23 says "the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord." I really believe this is just the beginning of many good things for Melinda. We will miss her sincerity, her genuineness and her incredible voice but ultimately God has His hand on her life and will use her for His glory. Prov. 31:30 says: "Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." Blessings to you, Melinda - thank you for touching our lives!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

American Idol

Well, another Idol week has come and gone and my picks are Blake and Melinda. I think Jordin has a nice voice but there's something about her personality that I just don't like. She seems a little "fakey" to me, kind of like a Katherine McPhee thing going on for me. Just my opinion. It's going to be a close one, but I think Melinda will definitely make the final. Between Blake and Jordin, who knows? They both have huge fan bases.
Speaking of contests, Lucy and Ethel were always having some contest or another with Ricky and Fred. Did you ever see the episode when Lucy has a tulip growing contest with her next door neighbor? She accidentally mows her neighbors tulips down and replaces them with wax ones. Ricky mows Lucy's grass that evening to get ready for the big day and he accidentally mows Lucy's tulips down. He also uses wax. Both get disqualifed because it's hot out when the judges come and both gardens start melting. It is absolutely hilarious. One thing about Lucy, she always came out the winner. Always a class act.
There's one more contest that I am keenly aware of everyday of my life. That would be the contest of good vs. evil. Thankfully, Jesus has already won this one. When Christ was crucified on the cross some 2,000 years ago, He won the keys to hell and death and made a way for all of us to live life to it's fullest. If we believe what He did for us on the cross and accept it as truth for our own lives, we will never lose. Now, that's something to get excited about!!

More on why I Love Lucy

As a post WWII baby boomer (1957) I, along with many other millions of people grew up watching and loving Lucy. I remember coming home from school and watching Lucy, Ricky, Ethel and Fred, every afternoon. Having grown up in a dysfunctional home (which I didn't realize until many years later) I think I saw Lucy and the simple comic and humor as a sort of escape for me. I will tell you this, there is not one show that does not still make me laugh. I am also happy to report that my three kids all love Lucy as well. Thanks to Ebay, I have slowly, over the last few years, acquired every video copy (83 episodes in all) of I Love Lucy and there are days that we will watch her for several hours on end. We also enjoy the Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour episodes, of which sadly only 13 were made before Lucy and Desi finally split up. After the foursome separated, it was never the same. The chemistry between these four individuals was something magical. It truly was and still is good, clean comedy. If you need some stress relief or just a good laugh, tune into I Love Lucy on TVLand or find you a few copies. You may just end up being a Lucy fanatic like millions of others.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Introductory Comments

Well, I must say I've really made some great leaps and bounds in the World of Internet lately. First, creating my own MySpace page which I kept up for a grand total of 1 week and now creating my own Blog. I can honestly say that a year ago I didn't even know what a blog was and remember someone making reference to it and me thinking, "what in the world is a blog?" Now I am one!!