This is so good and reminds me of I Corinthians 13:
If I learn my ABC's, can read 600 words per minute, and can write with perfect penmanship, but have not been shown how to communicate with the Designer of all language, I have not been educated.
If I can deliver an eloquent speech and persuade you with my stunning logic,but have not been instructed in God's wisdom, I have not been educated.
If I have read Shakespeare and John Locke and can discuss their writings with keen insight, but have not read the greatest of all books - the Bible -and have no knowledge of its personal importance, I have not been educated.
If I have memorized addition facts, multiplication tables, and chemical formulas, but have never been disciplined to hide God's Word in my heart, I have not been educated.
If I can explain the law of gravity and Einstein's theory of relativity, but have never been instructed in the unchangeable laws of the One who orders our universe, I have not been educated.
If I can classify animals by their family, genus and species, and can write a lengthy scientific paper that wins an award, but have not been introduced to the Maker's purpose for all creation, I have not been educated.
If I can recite the Gettysburg Address and the Preamble to the Constitution,but have not been informed of the hand of God in the history of our country, I have not been educated.
If I can play the piano, the violin, six other instruments, and can write music that moves men to tears, but have not been taught to listen to the Director of the universe and worship Him, I have not been educated.
If I can run cross-country races, star in basketball and do 100 push-ups without stopping, but have never been shown how to bend my spirit to do God's will, I have not been educated.
If I can identify a Picasso, describe the style of da Vinci, and even paint a portrait that earns an A+, but have not learned that all harmony and beauty comes from a relationship with God, I have not been educated.
If I graduate with a perfect 4.0 and am accepted at the best university with a full scholarship, but have not been guided into a career of God's choosing for me, I have not been educated.
If I become a good citizen, voting at each election and fighting for what is moral and right, but have not been told of the sinfulness of man and his hopelessness without Christ, I have not been educated.
However, if one day I see the world as God sees it, and come to know Him, Whom to know is life eternal, and glorify Him by fulfilling His purpose for me, then, and only then, have I been educated!
Carolyn Caines, Longview, WA
Monday, June 30, 2008
Education per I Corinthians 13
Posted by Debbie C. at 12:59 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
Beauty in the Weeds
Wow, life's been hectic lately. Lots going on and I know it's just summer and everything is cranking up. But, when do I get to slow down?
I'm a routine kind of person and when things aren't in the "routine" mode for me, I start to get a bit stressed out.
Here's a run-down:
Daughter #1 is in Savannah on an inner-city missions trip, Daughter #2 is in Mexico on a missions trip, Son is here at the house (I must say being a sweetheart and helping me out a lot).
Son and I drove to Atlanta the other day for a re-check with his eye surgeon. His eyelid has not lifted at all and so we are going to re-do the surgery in August. Disappointing, but the blessing is they are not charging us (Yay).
Hubby is recuperating from colon polyp surgery (I'll leave it at that - lest I give you "too much info.") So yesterday I spent the morning at the hospital with him, etc...
I feel I need to get back up to Virginia to see my mom (who's in a nursing home with late stage Alzheimers). Also, her only sibling, my uncle Fred, is dying with end stage cancer in Florida. I have felt the need to go see him, but so far, my schedule has not permitted. I am feeling very sad about this as I want to see him before he dies, but it's not looking real promising right now.
Spanish class, at one particular location, has been rough; my students are not coming to class (remember, it's summer) and they are not applying themselves and learning is harder and makes my job harder.I am not sleeping at all at night right now (for whatever reason) maybe it's just because there's no routine, but it takes it's toll.
Anyway, in the midst of all that, I get this reminder from God the other day. As I am outside perusing the health of my new foundation plantings, which are in the midst of a huge drought, for which we have a watering ban,(are you feeling my stress?) my eyes are directed to one lone weed growing up in a heavily wooded area. Right there for all to see was the sweetest yellow bloom. It was definitely a weed because it had thorny stuff all over the stem area. But I felt the Holy Spirit's gentle reminder that I need to remember that even in the times when it feels like life is just about pulling weeds and staying the course and doing stuff that you just don't want to do, there is beauty.
Posted by Debbie C. at 12:20 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Where Have All the Bloggers Gone?
So, I can tell it's summer and everyone's busy doing other stuff; as it should be. Me too! Lots to update on but LATER. But want to leave you with a quote:
"Life is the dressing room of eternity".
Posted by Debbie C. at 9:22 AM 2 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Well, I don't mean to keep talking about the Braves, but since we went to the game last night I have to decompress a bit...
I mean, we were beating the Phillies until the bottom of the 9th, 2 outs and Kelly drops a pop-up. How sickening is that? Then we go into the 10th and it looks like we're going to rally and we can't get the last guy home.
Anyway, being there was still great. We had great seats, eventhough they were really high up, it was kinda neat being able to see the shift.
My hubby made an interesting comment early on. It's hard to concentrate at a real game cuz there's just so much else going on. Although, that is part of the "experience" and "excitement" of being there, I do see what he means. People walking up and down the aisles with drinks, hot dogs, peanuts, etc... People talking on phones, people in front of you getting up and down...It can be distracting. Not to mention last night, especially, the humidity and heat, I felt like a wet dish rag early on.
My hubby said he would really rather watch the game at home on the big screen in high def. I think I might agree with him. (Don't tell him I said that, though) :)
Posted by Debbie C. at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
Braves Tonight
Posted by Debbie C. at 1:44 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Is it just my imagination, or is it a little hot for early June?
I hope this is no indication of what we have to look forward to.
Posted by Debbie C. at 9:07 AM 2 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Weekend Wrap-Up
Well, we had the fish-fry Friday night, it was yum!! I'm not a big fish eater or seafood lover, mainly because of the strong, fishy flavor, but my hubby's fish is the greatest.
Posted by Debbie C. at 10:12 AM 2 comments