Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pet Peeve

Okay, here's my new pet peeve. Actually it's been bothering me for a while, but I almost got in a wreck today. Why? Because the person that almost hit me was spending more time and attention on her cell phone than she was on her driving. Seriously, folks, more times than not, when I see someone swerving on the road, getting too close to my car or another car, pulling out unsafely in traffic, etc... it's because they're talking on a cell phone.
Now, don't get me wrong... I absolutely love technology and am so thankful that we have cell phones. Especially since I have young adult and teenage children and it brings much peace of mind. But honestly, people need to realize that they could kill themselves or someone else while driving and trying to manipulate a phone. It's not so much the talking but it's the texting, scrolling, etc... that pulls your attention away.
Okay, sorry for the rant, I feel better now!


Unknown said...

Amen! My parents were in a wreck a few months ago b/c the other driver leaned down to pick up his cell phone that had fallen on the floor!!!! Luckily no one was hurt. But how ridiculous!

Rick Womack said...

first, glad your safe...great to see you and kristin a couple days ago...miss you guys.

second, i'm ranting with you! it drives me crazy (pun intended) - i spend way more time on the road these days and i can always tell someone who's talking on the phone.

personally, i've found that using a bluetooth headset really makes it more like talking to a friend sitting next to you - plus you can keep both hands on the wheel!

DebbieP said...

I agree, it seems these days people think they are invincible. Definitely talking on a cell phone while driving needs to be hands-free. But I remember a few years ago it was most people's pet peeve that people ate while driving. that distracted people enough to make them drive unsafely. Now they have cell phones, Ipods, etc. Driving takes a lot more concentration now than it used to because we all have to watch out for the distracted drivers!