Monday, March 31, 2008

Braves vs. Nationals

Okay, I must admit it was a bit of a bummer that the Braves lost the opening game to the Nationals last night. But, in a way, I am glad for the Nationals. I mean, it was their opening night, new stadium and the President of the United States was there. How cool is that that they won and they got to show their fans a good time?? So, it is with mixed feelings that I post this.

I am originally from D.C. and the first baseball game I ever went to was in RFK Stadium there. I went with my dad when I was about 7 or 8; that was when Frank Howard was the big home-run hitter for the "Washington Senators". I know, most of you won't remember, cuz your younger than me!! But, it was fun and I remember being in school one day and naming off all the teams and the good players and my teacher just kind of looked at me as if I was really weird. I guess it was strange being a girl and loving baseball.

Anyway, I still love baseball but now my allegiances lie further south with the Braves and I personally think we have a great team this year. I thought Tim Hudson pitched an awesome game last night but our first inning defensively was horrible!

I'm looking forward to tonight's game, our home opener. We're having some folks over to share the evening with us. I just hope we win!!

Be prepared, I'm gonna be talking a lot about the Braves this year. I hope you don't mind!!


Unknown said...

I'm not a huge sports fan so I may not leave many comments. I like to watch baseball live or with a group of people hanging out. It's not really about the game but the fellowship for me. Don't think I'm not reading, I just don't have much to contribute!

Debbie C. said...

Hey, it's okay. I totally understand. I feel the same about the Bulldogs. I just don't get into it at all. I appreciate your comments though. Hope you are getting some good rest this week. Love ya!