Sunday, September 16, 2007

Front Row, Back Row or Somewhere In Between?

I had to sit on the back row today in church. It was a really different experience for me. No, I didn't have incontinence or anything like that but had to help my daughter with Children's Church so decided to sit near the back where I could exit easily when the children were dismissed.

I now know why I don't like sitting in the back. Here are my observations:

1. Too much going on - can't worship the Lord. There was so much going on in the back of the church that I could not stay focused on the worship service. I love to sing and it was hard to concentrate on that; which, in turn, made it difficult for me to really focus on the Lord.
2. Lots of noises back there - snoring, people talking, lots of coming and going and just general hub bub.
3. Because of my lack of concentration, it was much more tempting to become a spectator back there instead of a participant.

So, I got to thinking. You know, there are times in life when we don't have a choice about where we can sit. For example, if you buy a ticket for a charter bus or a train or plane you are given an assigned seat. Also, usually concerts and sports venues have pre-assigned seats.

Then there are other activities where one can choose where they want to sit; such as a movie theater and on a subway or city bus.

So, why do we sit where we sit in church? We tend to be creatures of habit and usually sit in the same location or close to it week in and week out. It made me really grateful that I can choose to sit where I desire to sit in church and I really love sitting in the front. I love being close to the front because although there is alot going on in the back, the good stuff is up front. My husband said last week at church there was an incredible anointing at the altar area and he said it was so thick you could actually feel it.

That's where I want to be -- right in the big middle of what God is doing!! Why don't you try it sometime?


Unknown said...

Another friend of mine sat in the back yesterday and said pretty much the same thing at lunch yesterday.(The snoring was especially disruptive!) He said he would not sit in the back again because it was so hard to stay focused. And yet some people try to get "a good backseat".

DebbieP said...

You know the snoring was unusual, thank God but I have to admit that it was both funny and disturbing at the same time. it was one of those situations that I found myself thinking, "This can not be happening!" We usually sit in the back because of my husbands bad back. His back hurts him when he has to look up at the pastor or the screens so in the back he doesn't have to look up so far. But I do hate that the distractions are so prevalent in the back. It is VERY distracting.

Anonymous said...

Well let me say that I have found my calling,I am now the elder in charge of waking people up that are snoring!?!?! I am telling you that I could hear the snoring from half way up the aisle. I am sorry that there are so many distractions, hopefully in the new sanctuary those will be limited. Please know that one of my main goals is limiting distractions. Bottom line distractions, distract. The funny thing is when I got up and walked back to the back of the church to see who was dieing I could not find where it was coming from and I look up in the audio both and everyone is laughing and pointing. I then flew into action. I must say that was some major league snoring!!!