Thursday, October 15, 2009

BOOK REVIEW #2 - Find Your Strongest Life

Well, here it is. My much anticipated 2nd book review. HA. Just kidding.

But I did just finish reading my second book published by Thomas Nelson Publishers and wanted to share my review with you.

The book is entitled: Find Your Strongest Life - What the Happiest and Most Successful Women Do Differently and the book was authored by Marcus Buckingham.

Personally, I did not care much for this book. Here are my reasons:

1. The book was published by Thomas Nelson Publishers which means (to me) it's going to be a book with some sort of Christian world-view. Right? Well, nope, not even a little bit. I am sure Marcus Buckingham is a great guy, but he didn't mention God one time in the book. There was one chapter where he used a certain lady as an example and the fact that she had a "great faith" as he termed it. But that was it. I was really surprised.
I guess because, to me, any success at all that we derive in life, male or female, comes from the Lord. And He is the One who is in charge of our lives. He is the road map that we need to direct our lives and He is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.

2. The premise of his writing was based upon an experiment he conducted on the Oprah Winfrey show. He had 30 women come to the show and talk about why or why not they felt their lives were meaningful, fulfilled, etc... I, personally, have a difficult time with Oprah these days. She has openly talked about her New Age belief system and I don't think that I want to draw from that kind of input.

3. This book was filled with many statistics and examples of women he had talked to over the course of his research for the book. It had the feel of a "women's lib" kind of take from the moment I started reading it.

It was basically just your typical self-help kind of book. I gleaned nothing new from this one at all. I found this book to be geared more toward the working business-minded woman who wants a career above all else. Nothing wrong with that, mind you. But, because of that, I found that his basic premise of what constitutes "success" to be flawed.

There is also an on-line quiz you can take, which in just a mere 23 questions, gives you your strengths and weaknesses. Both of my daughters took this and neither of them felt the quiz was at all accurate.

Finally, in my opinion, it doesn't matter how many quizzes I take or how deep I look within myself to find out what motivates me, energizes me and keeps me committed; I can never reach my fullest potential without Jesus Christ. I have had to juggle a marriage with a full-time job, have had to work outside the home when my kids were little to help put food on the table and have had a time of getting to be at home and homeschool my children. All of these experiences in themselves have not helped me to have stronger relationships, stronger kids, stronger joy. The one and only thing that has kept me through the wonderful and difficult times has been my relationship with Christ. He made me and He knows what is best for me. He knows me inside and out and if I am listening to Him, then He will direct me and show me the areas in which I am weak. Does that mean I don't seek wise counsel and find out more about myself and how I fit in this world in which He has placed me? Certainly not! But the counsel I seek is wise counsel based on God's word. I do not think this book's philosophy or approach are things that will benefit me as a Christian woman, wife and mother.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing so honestly! I hope you enjoy your next book pick more. I'm currently reading Dekker's new book "Green". My review will be coming...after report card and conference time!