Saturday, April 11, 2009

From Plastic Eggs and Chocolate Bunnies to a Cup of Joe

Wow, where has the month gone? Wasn't it just St. Patrick's Day?
Oh well, here we are and it's Easter Sunday tomorrow.
I was doing a bit of shopping today and getting ready for tomorrow and thinking back on how much life has changed for me over the last few years.
As I was browsing the aisles of WalMart today I saw young moms picking up the big cellophane wrapped eggs full of candy and buying bags of plastic eggs, chocolate, etc... Some were walking with their little girls and looking for that special Easter dress.
Well, my kids are just about all grown up. We did go shopping for Easter clothes a few days ago, but I don't get to pick what I like anymore. :)
I actually still make each of my children a basket; well it's really a bag with candy and some special little gift. Nothing too big. This year, since I have almost adults on my hands, I purchased Starbucks gift cards for two of my kids and the other daughter doesn't drink alot of coffee so she's getting a Verizon gift card. Honestly, I didn't know what to get her and she is saving up for a new phone.
So, many things have changed around here.
But some things don't change. The fact that all of my family believes in the life-changing resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The fact that we all get to go to church together tomorrow and worship our Risen Lord!!
So, as I reflect back, I don't really miss the chocolate and the eggs. It's just another season of my life. But I am still so grateful for that Cross and for the sacrifice that Jesus made for me. He is not dead, but He is risen indeed!!