Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Votes Are In and.....Where Have All the Christians Gone?

Wow, I really can't believe it, but it happened. The most liberal senator in our land has become our 44th president.
I'll get over my shock and there will come a day soon when I will obey scripture and begin to pray for this man but....
Where have all the Christians gone?
The exact exit polls aren't tabulated yet, but according to statistics that were recently taken and what is already known, some 45% to 55% of people who call themselves evangelical Christians voted for Barack Obama.
I find this mind-boggling.
I'm not against this man, per se, but I am against all that he stands for and wants to enact in our country.
For example: What's going to happen to the definition of traditional marriage? What's going to happen to laws and interest groups geared towards the homosexual community? And, probably the most important consequence, what's going to happen to all those precious unborn babies who will never be allowed the freedom to take their first gasp of air?
President Obama said the first bill he would pass would be the Freedom of Choice bill, which would set us back a good 15 to 20 years in the Pro-Life strides we have made.
That means:
Abortion on demand - doctors can be fined and lose their license if they don't perform abortions, even if their conscience won't let them. What about freedom of choice for doctors?
Abortion to under-age girls - young girls will not have to have parental consent to get abortions
Partial-Birth Abortion - this will be allowed up into the 9th month, regardless.
This election truly grieves my heart - but what grieves me most is that this is a true reflection of how our great land is eroding and the values and faith that have made this country the greatest country on earth are slowly but surely being stripped away.
It's no one's fault - but our own.


DebbieP said...

I'll be honest, I am with you in not being able to understand how Christians can vote for Senator Obama. I shudder to think what will happen when these things start getting passes. God's protection will be leaving us more the more disobedient we become. I have to hold on to the scripture that assures us that no leader is in power without God placing him there. I don't have to know God's plan, just trust Him. I am not happy about this President or the choices he may make, but I am looking to God. I pray that God changes President Elect Obama's heart on all the issues that displease God and that God lead and guide all his decisions.

Anonymous said...

Imagine for a minute that you are an African American who has grown up hearing, "One day there could even be a black man in the whitehouse," but never really believing it. Imagine being judged, looked down on, and hearing all the stories of your family's injustices. Imagine knowing that the only reason your ancestors were brought to this country was to be slave labor on a plantation.

Enter Barack Obama. Well spoken, good looking, flashy black man who actually has a chance at winning this thing. He wants to give you money you didn't have to work for. He wants to give you healthcare you don't have to pay for! Are you dreaming?

The issue is not that the Christians didn't vote. The difference was that a whole race of people came to the polls who have not come out in big numbers before. There were buses bringing black women by the droves to my polling place. If you take God out of it (which is how a lot of people vote), how could African Americans, Christian or not, not vote for Obama? While he was not my man, and he stands for all that I do not, I can see how a huge part of our nation supported him.