Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Note From Mike Huckabee

Imagine Obama as President...

We are a few weeks from the elections and as of today, the poll numbers indicate we have our work cut out for us. Americans are angry. VERY ANGRY. The recent bailout controversy has only stirred the seething rage that is bubbling up among taxpayers.

The sad thing about voter anger is that it's misdirected. While there is plenty of blame and fault to go around for both parties, there really is hard evidence that John McCain tried in vain to get attention focused on the totally absurd lending practices of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that are at the heart of the meltdown. Barack Obama is the second highest recipient of political cash from the big bosses of these entities, and one of his economic advisors Franklin Raines took over $90 million in bonuses from Fannie Mae. That's right---$90 MILLION. Do you really think that Barack Obama will lead "reform" of a system that his advisors have helped create?

His radical views on when life begins and his priority of protecting abortion rights over the right to life for the unborn are beyond most of even the most extreme leftists. His work with ACORN, a radical political organization is especially noteworthy in light of the fact that ACORN received over $760 million in "fees" from banks to help push people into "N.I.N.J.A. loans." (These are loans made to people with No Income; No Job; and No Assets, thus NINJA loans.)

Imagine Obama as President and Democrats holding majorities in the House and with a possible 60 vote margin Senate.

Goodbye, 2nd amendment rights.

Goodbye, protection for the unborn.

Goodbye, tax breaks.

Goodbye, diligence against state sponsored terrorism from rogue governments like Iran, North Korea, and others.

Goodbye, parental rights as a fundamental right to not be supplanted by the government.

Goodbye, holding traditional marriage as one man, one woman for life.

I'm not ready to accept that.I want you to join me in the final days to push for Republican candidates, starting with John McCain and Sarah Palin, down to those running for the state legislature to stand for something. Stand for life, for marriage, for the Fair Tax, for our 2nd amendment rights, Fight for the pre-eminent role of mothers and fathers in raising their children, for lower taxes, for controls on government spending, and Demand an end to the disgusting corruption of Washington that led to this massive economic meltdown.

Email or call your friends and family. Share with them what is at stake. Make a contribution to a favorite candidate or support my PAC with a contribution. Volunteer locally.

The stakes are real. The threat to our families growing.

Fighting to the end,
Mike Huckabee