Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I Really Had to Call 911 Yesterday!!

So weird, but true. My last post was regarding calling 911. But, I was referring to Psalm 91:1; one of my favorite verses and one I have been hanging on to lately. I am needing to be in that 'secret place' on a consistent basis.

Anyway, yesterday, our oldest daughter calls me and says she's been in a wreck. Everything was okay, another car rear-ended her close to our house. She said they had tried to call the police and were "put on hold". That doesn't sound right, but I'm not surprised. Anyway, I did call 911, I don't think I've ever done that before. No, I take that back, when my son had a really low blood sugar about 4 years ago, I had to call 911.

So, anyway, have any of you ever had to call 911 before?

And, remember, we should all be calling on Psalm 91:1, the Most High, daily, and aren't you glad that when we call on the Lord, we're never put on hold~~AMEN!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

If You Need Help, Call 911

Psalm 91:1:

"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High,
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty."

"In the secret, in the quiet place -
in the stillness, You are there,
In the secret, in the quiet hour I wait,
only for You,
'cause I want to know you, Lord.

I want to know You
I want to hear Your voice
I want to know You more.

I want to touch You,
I want to see Your face,
I want to know You more.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Great Post

Here's a great post that needs to be shared. This article was written by Fred McKinnon (Fred McKinnon is the Founder and Publisher of TheWorshipCommunity.Com. He's also the Worship Director for St. Simons Community Church) Here's the link. And, by the way, I still believe, too!!

"Dear Worship Community,

I write this article today from my home office and studio. Looking outside my windows I can see the rain and wind increasing from Tropical Storm Fay. Although she is located several hours south of our home I can see and feel her presence. As the sky grows darker and more ominous I can’t help but think of the storm we’ve encountered over the last twenty four hours in the world’s worshiping communities.

Breaking across the news, forums, blogs, and twitter we all became aware of a great disappointment involving Mike Guglielmucci, author of the smashing hit song, “Healer”. Many who are familiar with this song and Mike’s story would read this and immediately think “Mike has passed away. He lost his battle with cancer”.

Sadly, that is not the disappointment and sorrow that we embraced yesterday. On the contrary, we learned the terrible news that Mike Guglielmucci’s story of his terminal disease, his battle with cancer, and who knows what else …. was a lie. One of the original stories was published in this Australian news site.

So as worshipers, many of whom have promoted this song, the now-famous video testimony, and the recordings, we find ourselves tossing back and forth with waves of emotion including anger, grief, frustration, bitterness, pity … and the list goes on and on. Many of us have shown the video of this false testimony to our churches, our friends, and even our sick loved ones.

This comes on the heels of continued announcements of sin and moral failure from other well-known ministers including Todd Bentley of the “Lakeland Revival”.

How do we address the elevation of people and songs into the world’s view? More importantly - how do we handle it when these “vessels” break?
Events like these invoke such incredible emotions and questions. With today’s technology it’s not uncommon for a person, a song, a ministry, or an event to become world-famous within a few weeks. How do we handle the fame?
How do we address the elevation of people and songs into the world’s view? More importantly - how do we handle it when these “vessels” break?

The news came pouring into my inbox yesterday morning. I was scheduled to lead an hour of worship and prayer at my home church, St. Simons Community Church. I arrived for prayer, sat down at the keyboard, and looked across the congregation. With authentic disclosure I leaned into the mic and said, “I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to worship. I don’t want to sing. I’m frustrated. I’m disappointed and disillusioned”. Jumping into a super-spiritual time of worship would have been fake and fabricated - just as much as the story Mike Guglielmucci has told us. I gave a quick, 2-3 minute recap of the morning’s events and just sat back for prayer.

One of the men in the congregation spoke out and brought forth a reading from God’s Word that I believe is incredibly relevant to this situation.

15 It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16 The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains.

18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, …

Philippians 1:15-18 (NIV)

I love how “The Message” translation covers verses 18-19:

18 So how am I to respond? I’ve decided that I really don’t care about their motives, whether mixed, bad, or indifferent. Every time one of them opens his mouth, Christ is proclaimed, so I just cheer them on! And I’m going to keep that celebration going 19 because I know how it’s going to turn out.

Men and women of God, we must remember this truth. God has given us His light. We are to be His glory here in the earth. However, the all-wise God of the Universe chose to put Himself in us, a people who despite all the wonderful glory of God are “prone to wander” as the hymn writer of “Come Thou Fount” so poetically puts it.

Paul speaks to this in 2 Corinthians:

7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all‑surpassing power is from God and not from us. (2 Cor. 4:7)

We are these earthen, clay vessels. The thing about earthen, clay vessels is that they are fragile. They can break. So when vessels break, how do we respond? Biblical discipline should be exercised through the local church. I’m grateful to see this is happening. The position of influence and honor should be removed. Restoration should begin. Healing should be sought. Prayer should be offered.

As I have pondered these events, I’m somewhat at peace by the reminder that none of this surprised God. He wasn’t caught off guard. As much as this sin and failure grieves Him and His Church, He is still in control.

We do not know the heart or motives of Mike Guglielmucci, Todd Bentley, or other ministers who have had their sins exposed on a worldwide level. We certainly must confess that we’re all capable of such sin. We must ask ourselves how the Church would respond if all of our secret sins, thoughts, motives, and selfish ambitions were exposed for the world to see.

With this in mind, we have to ask ourselves this question - does the breaking of the vessel disqualify what the vessel produced? Is the song tainted? Honestly, the true motive behind the creation of these lyrics and this beautiful, anthemic melody is still unknown. We cannot (and should not) accurately judge that at this time with our limited information. Still, aren’t these lyrics still true? Do they not express God’s redemption and healing grace? Do they not uplift and edify the sick, the weak and the weary?

Lastly, could it be that God will use any vessel (weak, strong, broken, tainted) to accomplish His will?
Lastly, could it be that God will use any vessel (weak, strong, broken, tainted) to accomplish His will? I believe we can go to Scripture and see God using the weak to confound the wise. He uses wicked Kings and rulers to further His plan. He uses prostitutes and yes, even donkeys. He uses you and me.

These actions, like Tropical Storm Fay, are sending out their effects. The rock has been thrown into the water, and the ripples are racing across time. How will we, the Church, respond? Despite our frustration, let’s allow the local church and those in authority over these “broken vessels” their freedom to exercise discipline. For the rest of us, let us pray. Pray earnestly for those affected. Pray that God will be glorified in the midst of failure. Pray that “in our weakness, He will be strong”. Pray for wisdom to those involved in the music industry that have supported this song. Pray for Planetshakers, Hillsongs, and for Integrity Music. Pray for the tens of thousands of Believers that will be discouraged by high profile, public failure.

I believe You’re my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You’re my Portion
I believe You’re more than enough for me
Jesus You’re all I need
My Healer, You’re my Healer
Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
You hold my world in Your hands

As for me ….


Saturday, August 9, 2008

More Pics

Our beautiful children, dinner on the beach hosted by our firm, view of the pool, view of the lobby from the entrance of the resort. It really was lovely!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Busy Summer

Hello Everyone!!

Well, just wanted to post a bit just to let you know I am still out here in bloggerville.
Life's been busy, hot and dry in Georgia, and a bit lazy, at times. But here's a wrap up of July:

  • In case you haven't noticed, the Braves are terrible this year. The hits keep coming, not off the bat, but to the team, and we just need something new to happen next year. I don't know what though. (I am saddened by Skip Caray's death, what a great announcer - I will miss his voice.)
  • We had the wonderful privilege to spend a week at Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. This was a trip my hubby won through his firm. We all got to go and we had a blast. Hubby and 2 of the kids went scuba diving (not my thing), we went parasailing and got some great pics of that thanks to this new friend, went shopping in a local market at the end of the beach, relaxed by the pool and beach and ate food that we got tired of really quickly. Sorry, I don't mean to complain, but really, the food was not the highlight of the trip. But being there with the sights and sounds was well worth it. (BTW- the picture at the top is the beach and it really looked just like that!!)

  • My uncle passed away at the beginning of July, so I went to Tallahassee for the funeral. It was great seeing cousins and spending some time with my aunt. I am thankful that my uncle knew the Lord and is in Heaven.

  • I celebrated a birthday (no, I'm not telling which one) and our oldest daughter just turned 22!

    I am ready for fall and ready for routine. School is getting ready to start for us. Our middle daughter will be starting an accelerated distance program that will get her a bachelor's in two years at about 1/4 of the cost of regular college. Our son will be going into ninth grade, for which I will be still be coaching him and making sure he's doing the work. He just got his acheivement tests back and did really well in all subjects - between 11th grade and college level, except in spelling, his weak area. But, I still love home-schooling and am so thankful we chose this route for our family.
  • Well, that's about it. Hope your summer has been exciting and adventurous. Here are some pics of our beach trip:

    Coming in for a landing. Parasailing was very fun and my first time, actually a first for everyone in our family!!