Sunday, October 7, 2007

Lasts and Firsts

Well, it's official. We are moving this coming Saturday!! WOO HOO!! I am so ready. We did a little moving yesterday but the majority is happening next week because that's when we could line up the help and truck. So, it's okay cuz it gives me a week to try to bring some semblance of order to things around here. I know, there is really no order in a move but I can try, can't I?
So, it will be the last week at the DW. (DW is the endearing name we gave to our temporary home that we have lived in for the past 13 months - also known as a "double wide" - hence the abbreviation "DW") Today is the last Sunday we have to drive 50 min. to church. YEAH!! It will be a 15 min. ride at the other house. There are some things I will miss about living in the country, the main one being the quietness. But that's about it. Let me tell you what I will not miss:
1. Having to turn off the oven while using the microwave or vice-versa. Or not being able to use the stove and iron or hair dryer at the same time. Yep, always throws the breaker.
2. Not being able to run the waterhose for more than 5 min. cuz it throws the breaker to the well house which in turn causes no water for our house and the landlady's house.
3. Driving down a very bumpy and dusty road
4. Dark carpet that shows every piece of lint
Okay, for the sake of sounding ungrateful, I'll stop there.
I want to tell you that I am extremely grateful for this house. I know we, as a family, have made some great memories here and those are priceless. It really has been a blessing in alot of ways and God's timing in providing it was perfect but, I must admit that I am very thankful the Lord has provided something else.
I'll keep you posted on the move and may post a picture of the new place later.


DebbieP said...

I am so happy for you! When God provides the wait is worth it!