Thursday, October 18, 2007

I'm feeling "SOUR" about the high price of milk

Have any of you been to the store lately and noticed the cost of a gallon of milk? Oh my goodness, I went to the grocery store near our new home and milk was $4.09 for a gallon. I don't remember what it was in our small town grocery store before we moved, but I don't remember it being over $4.00. Of course, I had free milk tokens at our other store, for every 6 gallons you bought, you got a gallon free and I had been saving up and got several free gallons. Terrible that milk prices are higher than gas prices, OUCH!!


Deb Henderson said...

Debbie, just love the new house! So much to do but you will get there before you know it. Milk here in Pontiac is not THAT much! Still a little over $3.00. WOW. Was it Springfield IL you wanted to explore the family tree? It is 2 hours from me. Have a wonderfully sunny afternoon.
Miss you. Debbie Henderson