Monday, May 31, 2010

Addicted to Saving!!

Well, hello everyone!

I haven't written in a while, because frankly, there hasn't been much to say. I haven't had any witty musings or anything exciting going on in my life.... so, I had nothing to share.

Except... one activity that I have been doing on a regular basis is shopping and saving TONS of money. You say, "What? That is an oxymoron, how can you shop and save tons of money?" But I have been, honest.

I told you in my last post, many moons ago, about a new way of shopping that I have been trying out. I call it Extreme Couponing and it basically means that I only buy stuff when it's on a really good sale and I have coupons to go with it. I mentioned in my last post that I got this information from a couple of friends at church and I have been amazed. My family has been amazed.

In fact, if you were to come to my house right now it would look as if we were hoarding certain items: toothpaste, toilet paper, deodorant, body wash, cereal, razors, facial moisturizers, and I could go on and on. We're not hoarding, I mean I'm not expecting any big national or international crisis, but I tell you, if we had one, I'd be ready in some areas.

I could go on and on about explaining this. But, if you are interested and live near Athens we are going to offer a small group through our church on this. And we are going to share all of it with anyone who is interested.

Anyway, I have to brag a little today. Today was Memorial Day and we should've been out picnicking with friends or something,  but my hubby is sick with a sinus infection so I decided I would make my "run" of stuff this week.

Here's what I ended up with and how much I spent.  This first picture is what I purchased at Target.

I bought items that totaled $36.50 pre-tax.  I used coupons totaling $19.50 which left me owing $17.00.  BUT I got (3) $5.00 gift cards for specific items that I bought; so, in the long run, I only ended up owing $2.00 for all of this stuff!  That is pretty amazing to me!  This is a 82 percent savings!  WOW!

My next stop was Walgreens:  There were a few items there that they were out of, but I didn't do too bad.  I ended up spending $8.77 for the below items, BUT I got back $12.00 in Register Rewards (this is like free money that you can use next shopping trip.)  So I really made money on this deal!!  Woo hoo!

And then I went to CVS.  They were also out of several things but here's what I ended up with:  I purchased $20.73 cents worth of products BUT with coupons I ended up paying $1.90 AND I have $9.00 in Extra Care Bucks to use on a future trip.  So, I really made $7.10!  Pretty neat, huh??

I really am enjoying this new way of shopping.  It is not only totally scratching that "frugal" itch that I have, it is also quite fun.  Thanks for reading!!