Thursday, December 4, 2008

Keeping Christ in Christmas

I am amazed at how our culture continues in it's downward shift and spiral against all things Christian.

Yesterday, I called 411 on my cell phone to get a number and the operator ended the call with "Happy Holidays". You know, we don't want to "offend" anyone.

A friend of ours recently posted a note on his Facebook page that his daughter works for a large bank and they were told via Corporate Office to remove any Christmas trees that they might have put up in the lobby. As my friend noted, to speak against another religion is considered "hate speech", but speaking against Christianity and all symbols of it, is politically correct.

Listen, I'm determined to keep Christ in Christmas. I hope you are, too.

Do you have any stories to share of how you see the message of Christmas being changed?

I received this email recently and I love it!

This is a Christmas Tree

This is a Christmas Tree

This is a Christmas Tree

These are NOT Holiday Trees
They are not Hanukkah bushes
They are not Allah plants
They are Christmas trees. Say it...
CHRISTmas , CHRISTmas , CHRISTmas Yes CHRISTmas -not Holiday
We are not celebrating the birth of a Holiday!!!

We are
Celebrating the Birth of
Jesus Christ!!!
So I would like to say to each and everyone of you
Have a Very Merry CHRISTMAS
and may GOD BLESS each and every one of you!!!