Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday Fact

I think I'm going to start posting a Friday Fact each Friday; it would be an interesting but little known fact. Kind of fun (can you tell I'm bored?) No, actually I have housework to do and I'm kind of avoiding it - ha!!

Anyway, I like trivia - so, maybe we can impart some knowledge here; however impractical it might be. If nothing else, you can impress your friends!!

We'll start this week with some sports trivia, since everyone in our town or neighboring towns is a University of Georgia fan and sports is a pretty big deal in this area.

Okay, so here goes our first Friday Fact:

Did you know that the football "huddle" was invented by students at Gallaudet University in Washington D.C., a leading school for the deaf? Players, worried about opposing teams seeing their hand signals through sign language, huddled up so that no one could see their plays.

So, now, don't you feel just a little bit smarter??


DebbieP said...

Too cool!

Rick Womack said...

great if you'll just explain the huddle house

Debbie C. said...

Well, actually, there is no explanation for the Huddle House. It's way too 'greasy spoon-ish' for me!! Now, IHOP, that's a different story, more on that later!!