Saturday, June 2, 2007

Stop and Listen ~ Stop and Hear

I am truly amazed at how God shows Himself to us in the simplest of ways. Again, today, I was walking with one of our pooches and was reminded of another simple truth from the world of nature.
Annie (our mini-dachshund) was my companion today. She is very nosy and ran in and out of every yard, every driveway; believe me, every stitch of grass had her footprint on it. I took particular interest in her behavior while we passed by a section of heavily wooded area. Occasionally I could hear rustling in the woods and figured it was probably a squirrel or maybe even a deer, but I never actually saw anything. Annie would stop and perk her ears up and wait a minute or two then keep walking and stop again, listening intently. One time on the second stop she made, she actually took off in the direction from which the rustling came. I was struck with the thought of how many times I have stopped to listen to the Lord but haven't really heard what He wanted to say to me. Now before you think I'm some super-spiritual guru who hears voices or something, let me explain that when I say I haven't "heard Him" I am meaning I have not felt the moving of His Spirit on my heart and mind. The scriptures are full of promises and reminders that God does speak to His people. Even to those that don't know Him the scripture says He shows Himself to us in the very attributes of the nature He created for us. How He speaks to me may be and probably is entirely different than how He speaks to someone else. That point aside, the important thing is not really how I hear Him but what I do with what He may be saying to me. Am I taking time to listen for the "still small voice"? Am I actually hearing what He says to me? You know, we can listen to someone and never really hear what they said to us? We can even look like we're really listening and be a hundred miles away. So basically, it's not enough for me just to listen but true listening involves hearing and true hearing involves action. James 1:22 says, don't just listen to the Word, but do what it says.
What would happen to our children if they never took time to listen to us? If we never talked to them and let them just do whatever they wanted, day in and day out? It wouldn't take long for bedlam to ensue. Why? Because they need direction and lots of it. They are immature, childish and by nature bound to get into trouble. We as adults are not unlike our children. We are immature, childish and definitely bound to get into lots of trouble. What's the remedy? Start listening to the Father. He desires for us to come to Him and hear His voice. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." "Come let us reason together, says the Lord." "Show me your ways, oh Lord, teach me your paths." "He rewards those who earnestly seek Him." "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." (NIV) So, it's not a matter of God not wanting to speak to me, it's all about me taking the time to not only listen but to hear what He is specifically speaking to my heart.
Yesterday, as I was reading the Bible, a scripture popped out at me in Ezekiel that I had never seen before. It basically said that God said He would never again reject Israel because He was going to put His Spirit in their hearts. (Ezek. 39:29) I was so encouraged by that scripture and the Lord knew I needed to hear it. God is so amazing how He meets us right where we are and right when we need Him. He speaks to us through nature, through His Word, through that gentle whisper, even by taking a walk with my dog. Don't forget to stop, listen and hear what He wants to say to you.