Tuesday, May 22, 2007

To Whom Are We Sent?

Taking off of yesterday's post about being sent, I'd like to talk about to whom we are sent? We're all sent to "all nations" as the Great Commission states, but, remember, that's not necessarily talking about foreign nations or other lands. It's talking about all kinds of people and people groups. So you have to ask yourself the question "who do I communicate with regularly, what people group do you have me in, Lord?" It could be that you, like me, are a homeschooling mom. We have opportunities as a family to reach people that others may not. I also teach Spanish on a part time basis to adults and that provides lots of opportunities for me to show Christ's love to others. My other "job" is teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) to foreigners; Hispanics, Koreans and Chinese right now. I never thought I could even do this, but I absolutely love it. I ask God every week to let my actions and countenance speak His love and grace to these precious people. Some of the people in this class do not believe in our God or Jesus Christ, so it is a challenge and yet I feel His love when I see them. I am reminded of the scripture in Matt. 9:36 where Jesus is talking to the people in the towns and villages, and it says He was moved with compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. Now seeing sheep on a hill without a shepherd doesn't move me too much. Because I'm not a shepherd and I don't have the skills of tending sheep. But seeing children without a mother and/or father and seeing old people without anyone to visit them or seeing a Spanish speaking person lost in a crowd because no one there can communicate with them; now, these are the things that move me. So, back to my original question: To whom are you sent? Well, what moves you, where is your passion, what touches your heart? When you can find the answer to that, then you can find what group of people you are sent to. I challenge you to ask yourself these questions, but beware, because it will change your life. And it may just change the lives of those around you at the same time.


Rick Womack said...

one of the keys to being moved with compassion is first 'seeing them' - i think too often we miss our nation we're sent because we don't see them or refuse to see them - i know i'm guilty of this...again, great post - i agree, when are you going to preach?

Shawna said...

You really do show the love of Christ both in your words and your countenance! YOur posts are very moving and entertaining. thanks for being led by the Holy Spirit.
Love you!